Friday, November 11, 2011

Israel's Open Secret on Stealing Nuclear Materials - by Joseph Massad

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - How many times must this story be retold? It is common knowledge in the United States, in Europe, in the Arab World, indeed in the entire world. The international press has been reporting on it since the late 1960s. The historical details of the story are also well known. In 1955, President Dwight Eisenhower gave Israel its first small nuclear reactor at Nahal Sorek; in 1964, the French built for Israel its much larger and major Dimona nuclear reactor in the Naqab (Negev) Desert; in 1965, Israel stole 200 pounds of weapons-grade uranium from the United States through its spies at the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation company in Pennsylvania; in 1968, Israel hijacked a Liberian ship in international waters and stole its 200-ton shipment of yellowcake. Israel has possessed nuclear bombs since the early 1970s. Despite official US denials, Golda Meir, the fourth prime minister of Israel, reportedly prepared to launch 13 nuclear bombs on Syria and Egypt in 1973 and was stopped short of committing this genocidal act when Henry Kissinger gave Israel the most massive weapons airlift in history at the time to reverse the course of the 1973 war (as Time Magazine reported the story). Israel has had an ongoing nuclear weapons collaboration with the South African Apartheid regime for decades, which only ended with the collapse of the regime in 1994.  
Since then, experts have estimated that Israel has upwards of 400 nuclear devices, including thermonuclear weapons with megaton range, as well as neutron bombs, tactical nuclear weapons, and suitcase nukes. It also has the missile delivery systems to launch them with a reach of 11,500km (which can reach beyond Iran). Israel also has submarines that are capable of launching nuclear attacks as well as jet fighters that can deliver Israel’s nuclear cargo.
Israel has diligently prevented its neighbours from even acquiring nuclear reactors for peaceful purposes. It violated international law by bombing the Iraqi French-built Osirak nuclear reactor still under construction in 1981 in an unprovoked raid even though the reactor was going to be used, according to the French and Iraqi governments, for peaceful scientific purposes. Israel also bombed what intelligence reports allege was a North Korean nuclear reactor under construction in Syria in 2007. Israel’s Mossad has also been linked to the assassination of numerous Egyptian, Iraqi, and Iranian nuclear scientists over the decades. Israel continues to refuse to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and refuses to allow members of the International Atomic Energy Commission to inspect its Dimona reactor.
Israel, a predatory and aggressive country that has consistently launched wars on all its neighbours since its establishment, expelled hundreds of thousands of people, created millions of Palestinian, Lebanese, and Egyptian refugees, murdered tens of thousands of civilians and used internationally-banned weapons (from napalm to phosphorous bombs, to name the most notorious cases), continues to occupy the Palestinian territories and the Palestinian people in violation of international law, is governed by a foundational anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racist state ideology to which all its leaders, governing structures, and institutions adhere, as does its popular and political culture and a variety of its laws.  Indeed, Israel not only consistently launches wars against its neighbours but also urges world powers to invade these neighbours as well, and in the meanwhile sponsors anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racist campaigns of hatred in the United States and across Europe in addition to integrating such racism in its school and university curricula and much of its cultural production.
Racist policies
Israel’s protector, the United States, is the only country on Earth that has ever deliberately used nuclear bombs against civilian populations and continues to defend this decision 66 years after this genocidal act, and inculcates its population, in its school curricula and in the media, to defend it. The United States has also made certain that Israel’s nuclear arsenal would not ever be discussed at the UN Security Council despite persistent proposals over the decades to discuss it. Indeed, the United States insistence on keeping Israel’s nuclear capability an open "secret" is engineered, among other things, to keep United States aid to Israel flowing, especially as a key legal condition of receiving such aid is for recipient countries to be signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Israel refuses to sign.
Yet the United States and Israel, which have been the major threats to world peace and indeed the major global warmongers since World War II, insist on telling the world that Iran, a country whose current regime never invaded any country (but was rather invaded by Saddam’s Iraq in 1981 at the behest of the dictatorial ruling Gulf oil-rich families and their US and French sponsors), is a threat to world peace were it to possess a nuclear device.
The racist policies of the United States as to who should get to possess nuclear weapons and who should not (according to racial criteria of whether they are European or of European stock or not) aside, it must be made clear that the extent to which there is a nuclear race in the Middle East, it is one fostered by Israel’s warmongering and its possession of such weapons of mass destruction.  If the Middle East is to be a nuclear-free zone, then the international effort to rid it of such weapons must begin with Israel, which is the only country in the region that possesses these weapons, and not with Iran who may or may not be developing them.
The racism of the Obama administration against Arabs and Muslims clearly knows no limits, but for the people of the Middle East (Arabs, Turks, and Iranians), Obama’s racist criteria are not terribly persuasive. To have or not to have nuclear weapons is a question of human security, as far as the people of the region are concerned, and not one of European racial privilege. While the US may not fear Israeli nukes, Israel’s neighbouring countries and their civilian populations have for decades been (and continue to be) terrorised by them; and for good reason. Once Obama learns this lesson, the people of the region will reconsider US credibility about its alleged concern about nuclear proliferation.
Joseph Massad is Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University in New York.

Nuclear Israel revisited - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Nuclear Israel revisited - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Islamic Way of Slaughtering


Why is Islamic Way of Slaughtering is so Brutal ?

Research: Islamic Slaughtering and Western method of Slaughtering.

Let's begin with a small introduction with the term HALAAL

What is Halaal ( ﻝﻼﺣ )?

Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. The opposite of halal is HARAAM (ﻡﺍﺮﺣ ), which means unlawful or prohibited. Halal and haram are universal terms that apply to all facets of life. However, we will use these terms only in relation to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and food contact materials.

While many things are clearly halal or haram, there are some things which are not clear. Further information is needed to categorize them as halal or haram. Such items are often referred to asmashbooh, which means doubtful or questionable.

All foods are considered halal except the following (which are haram):
Swine/Pork and its by-products - Read more on WHY PORK IS PROHIBITED
Animals improperly slaughtered or dead before slaughtering
Alcoholic drinks and intoxicants Carnivorous animals, birds of prey and certain other animals Foods contaminated with any of the above products,

Foods containing ingredients such as gelatin, enzymes, emulsifiers, and flavors are questionable (mashbooh), because the origin of the ingredients is not known.

Let's now move into the topic.

The Islamic practice of slaughtering animals by means of a sharp cut to the front of the neck has frequently come under attack by some animal rights activists as being a form of animal cruelty, the claim being that it is a painful in human method of killing animals. In the West, it is required by law to stun the animals with a shot to the head before the slaughter, supposedly to render the animal unconscious and to prevent it from reviving before it is killed so as not to slow down the movement of the processing line. It is also used to prevent the animal from feeling pain before it dies.

German Research Studies Pain,

It therefore may come as a surprise to those who have made such acclimations to learn of the results of a study carried out by Professor Wilhelm Schulzeand his colleague Dr. Hazim at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover University in Germany. The study: ‘Attempts to Objectify Pain and Consciousness in Conventional (captive bolt pistol stunning) and Ritual (halal, knife) Methods of Slaughtering Sheep and Calves’ concludes that Islamic slaughtering is the most humane method of slaughter and that captive bolt stunning, practiced in the West, causes severe pain to the animal.

In the study, several electrodes were surgically implanted at various points of the skull of all animals, touching the surface of the brain. The animals were allowed to recover for several weeks. Some animals were then slaughtered by making a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck cutting the jugular veins and the carotid arteries as well as the trachea and esophagus (Islamic method). Other animals were stunned using a Captive Bolt Pistol (CBP). During the experiment, an electroencephalograph (EEG) and an electrocardiogram (ECG) recorded the condition of the brain and the heart of all animals during the course of slaughter and stunning.

The results were as follows:

I – Islamic Method When you slaughter in Islamic way the blood is drained from the flesh, where as other method of killing clots the blood and 45 percent of the blood remains in the flesh, hence eating such meat is highly dangerous to health, especially kids.

1. The first three seconds from the time of Islamic slaughter as recorded on the EEG did not show any change from the graph before slaughter, thus indicating that the animal did not feel any pain during or immediately after the incision.

2. For the following 3 seconds, the EEG recorded a condition of deep sleep - unconsciousness. This is due to the large quantity of blood gushing out from the body.

3. After the above-mentioned 6 seconds, the EEG recorded zero level, showing no feeling of pain atall.

4. As the brain message (EEG) dropped to zero level, the heart was still pounding and the body convulsing vigorously (A reflex action of the spinal cord) driving a maximum amount of blood from the body thus resulting in hygienic meat for the consumer.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Top 10 Super Power Countries of the World

02. America

United States of America is the number one super power in the world. It is the most influential country that contains the world’s strongest army and a powerful democracy, as well. United States reached to the highest powerful position after a long struggle and hard work. It is more commonly known as the Super power and it contains a highly influential media. This country is a prestigious and influential member of a number of influential bodies.

Following list has been created after conducting a number of surveys; here are the most powerful countries of the world, 09 more Countries after the break...

02. Russian Federation
This country contains the world’s second most powerful army and it controls several states in the Central 
Asian region. This country contains a large population. Due to its heavy population, it is safe from all kind of external influences on its internal politics, economic and financial issues.It can turn into a super power due to its powerful force.

03. Peoples Republic of China

This country contains the world’s 4th largest GNP. This country has received supremacy over France and Great Britain in last few years. This country contains a large and powerful army.

04. France
It is the world’s 5th most powerful country and it is the prestigious and influential member of UN Security Council. It is a nuclear power country with the influence on many African nations.

05. Britain
Britain is the member of UN Security Council and it is a powerful nuclear country. It is considered to have the world’s most stable democracy. This country influences on world politics. It is number one in music, films, media and other activities. This country is also the member of European Union.

06. Japan
Japan contains a large economy and it is one of the leading democratic power countries. This country has a large population but due to tough competition, it comes after above five countries.

07. Republic of India
This country is very popular and contains a powerful democracy. It is a rapidly growing country and it is a nuclear power.

08. Federal Republic of Germany
It contains the world’s third largest economy and it is the most influential and powerful member of the European Union. Germany lost much of its influence on world during the WWII.

09. Pakistan
Pakistan has a large population of Muslims and it is a nuclear power. It has one of the strongest world armies. It has greatly influenced by dictatorship and military interference and due to which its democracy becomes weak. This country has a great potential to grow.

10. Republic of Brazil
It is a large Latin American county, it is considered to have the world’s largest Portuguese speaking population. This country has an influential and stable media. This country has secure relations with rest of the world.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Japan’s Ancient Underwater “Pyramid” Still Mystifies Scholars

Submerged stone structures lying just below the waters off Yonaguni Jima are actually the ruins of a Japanese Atlantis—an ancient city sunk by an earthquake about 2,000 years ago.
That’s the belief of Masaaki Kimura, a marine geologist at the University of the Ryukyus in Japan who has been diving at the site to measure and map its formations for more than 15 years.

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Rite Picdump 48 more images after the break...

Cute Chicky

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